***The Lambertville location will be closing at 3:00 sharp on Saturday, 9/21 for a private event***


Construction on the New Hope/Lambertville free bridge continues and is scheduled to run thru October 2024. 

Full details of the closure & detours are available at: https://www.drjtbc.org/project/newhopelambertville

Bucks County Academy of Fencing prides itself on our community oriented atmosphere for fencers of all ages. Fencing is a great form of exercise that sharpens your agility, works on your balance and improves confidence. It is a great way to meet interesting people in your community and sharpens the development of many skills.

Our certified staff encourages families to explore this fascinating sport together as it is a safe, fun and exciting form of exercise!

BCAF hosts a larger number of "veteran" fencers than is typically seen at most clubs. The academy offers recreational and competitive programs in all three disciplines of fencing: foil, epee and sabre. Interested in experiencing A Taste of Fencing?

We have been creating champions on and off the strip since 1981!

Bucks County
Academy of Fencing

287 South Main Street
Lambertville, NJ 08530
Academy: 609-397-7551
Information: 215-862-6112

Bucks County
Academy of Fencing - West

1713 Bethlehem Pike
(Route 309)
Hatfield, PA 19440
Academy: 215-716-3777
Information: 215-862-6112

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